Friday, November 14, 2008


oky-doky. hi again. twilight comes out in EXACTLY 1 FRICKEN WEEK!!! OH MY GOD! tee-hee!

and at school...

NOT MY WEEK! first my nuts, then a headache, and then my nose and my mouth!! and on top of all that, our play was the day i hurt my nose! (the play still went well!) actually, i wasn't the one who hurt my nose. "bobert" did.

kelly got a blog. go to

-Dr. BLEH or Dr. Smiley or Guy Smiley or you get the picture!


i couln't resist! i think i'm a little strange...

1 comment:

Lora said...

Being strange is not a bad thing. It makes you different.

Would you believe me if I said Jasper (BLEH!) told me to tell you that? ^_^