Friday, October 3, 2008


Hi again! It was a good day. my "uncle" Mikey is here.

Today was Eszther's last day. :( ;(

we don't have a lot of homework do we? I don't think we do...

Today was fun, and tomorrow was another one!

Peace, Love, and FRIED CHICKEN!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hidy ho!

its guy!

Today was a lot better than yesterday. i don't hav a lot to say to day.
The vollyball team lost both games but i heard they did well!

Hope you all hav a great day!

Peace, Love, and fried chicken!
-Dr. Smiley(Guy)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Mood: dissapointed

Hey. Mr. Smiley here. i'm not so smiley right now. My day was good. i left cross counrty early so my sister could go to dance. my dad came to pick me up. so on the way home, i told him that i needed to go home to do homework and take care of my dog. Well my dad said that he'd pull ovr to the side of the highway and i'd climb over the fence. You've heard that joke right? well it wasn't a joke...

he really did pull over and TRIED to make me climb over and up the hill. I told him no and naturally THAT WENT well.... get the joke? And then when he got back to the truck, he started yelling and cussing and he called me a sissy... I kinda hate him..

Well anyway... it ws still a good day...

Hope urs was better!!

Peace, Love, and fried chicken.

P.S- wut ws for LA homework? I just want to kno the pages!